FS2000 is a suite of integrated program modules for the analysis and design of structures and pressured pipework systems.
FS2000 is equally suited to the analysis of simple portal frames and large complex 3-D structures. Its finite element capability and range of elements enable FS2000 to model virtually any type of structural system. The program is virtually unique in its capability to model and provide thorough design code checks to both structural and pipework systems. The program is widely used in the offshore/petro-chemical engineering industry where its wide range of applicability is well suited the multiple disciplinary design requirements of that industry.
Modular Approach
FS2000 is formed from a core module and series of integrated optional modules. The core module of FS2000 provides an interactive graphical environment for model generation, analysis and results output. Optional pre and post processing modules provide load generation, design checks or specific analysis features suited to specialised areas of interest. This enables the user to purchase only the modules that suit their particular requirements. Modules can be added to FS2000 at any subsequent time as and when the user's analysis requirements change. The optional modules are broadly categorised by the menu options on the left. All modules are developed by AES and seamlessly integrate with the core module when performing the different stages of analysis.